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CTTransit workers threatening strike

More than 750 mechanics and other workers for Connecticut Transit in Stamford, New Haven and Hartford are threatening to strike in January if a new contract is now approved this week.

Bus ad controversy continues in Seattle

Days after a controversial bus ad alleging “Israeli war crimes” was rejected by Metro Transit in Seattle, ad supporters openly protested on Christmas Eve.

APTA wanting nominations for Excellence Awards

The American Public Transportation Association is seeking nominations for the 2011 Safety & Security Excellence Awards.

Blizzard halts East Coast bus transportation

What’s being called the Holiday Blizzard of 2010 has caused havoc for bus operators in the Northeast.

Eight Americans killed in Egypt bus crash

A bus rammed into a truck parked on a single-lane desert road in southern Egypt Sunday, killing eight American tourists and injuring 21 others.

MTA to crack down on cell phone use

New York’s metropolitan Transportation Authority will soon institute a zero-tolerance policy for cell phone use by bus drivers.

‘Israeli war crimes’ bus ad sparks controversy

In the wake of Seattle’s Metro Transit accepting a bus ad alleging “Israeli war crimes,” two groups on Tuesday vowed to run their own ads saying the Jewish state is the victim of terrorism.

CTA receives grant money for bus rapid transit

The Chicago Transit Authority has received a $1.6 million grant from the federal government to use for shortening commuting times on its north-south crosstown trips.

Contractor taking over Colorado Springs routes

Texas-based McDonald Transit Associates will begin running 18 bus routes in Colorado Springs beginning January 3.

Ferro to speak at UMA Expo

Anne Ferro, administrator of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, will be a keynote speaker at the United Motorcoach Association’s Motorcoach Expo next month in Tampa, FL.