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Tequila Bus was worth a shot

For years while on his way to work Rick Cibik passed by the yellow school bus parked in the yard of someone’s home on the Fort McDowell Yavapai Nation northeast of Phoenix, AZ. As general manager of Fort McDowell Adventures, Cibik hit on an idea to put the old bus to use for the company that offers visitors the Wild West experience. Inspired by “The Mexican Bus” he had heard about in San Francisco, Cibik envisioned a moving party bus for corporate events and special occasions.

Thoughts after the Megabus accident

My passengers have been talking nearly every day about the Megabus accident a couple of weeks ago. I don’t know any more about the accident than what I read in the papers and online, so I’m not in a position to make any judgments about what the driver did or didn’t do. But accidents like this serve as a reminder to all of us drivers that we have to be vigilant at all times when we’re behind the wheel.

Paying Attention To Driver Retention

Retaining capable bus and coach drivers has always been a major challenge for motorcoach operators. In today’s travel market, however, retaining safe and qualified drivers is no longer enough. The most competent drivers also serve efficiently and effectively as safety experts, schedulers, technicians, ticket-takers, baggage handlers and customer service representatives.

ABA unveils 2011 Top 100 events in North America

The American Bus Association (ABA), Washington D.C. today released the list of its Top 100 Events in North America for 2011, naming the July 21-24 commemoration of the Sesquicentennial of the First Battle of Manassas during the U.S. Civil War the Top U.S. Event, and the Montréal Botanical Garden’s “The Magic of Lanterns” Sept. 9-Oct. 30 the Top Canadian Event.

Vehicle Assist and Automation: Not your granddaddy’s bus

Vehicle Assist and Automation (VAA) is a guidance technology that provide partial or full control of a vehicle’s movements in the transit industry.

Everyone gets a low floor

ARBOC Mobility, Middlebury, IN, worked eight years to perfect its concept of the low-floor paratransit bus it calls the Spirit of Mobility, conceived to provide easy and equal access for all passengers. This year ARBOC Mobility is bringing the exclusive features of the Spirit of Mobility to operators in private markets with its introduction of the Spirit LP.

Pelivan Transit serves Native Americans in northeast OK

A new American Reinvestment and Recovery Act (ARRA) grant is providing subsidy for Native Americans residing in northeast Oklahoma. According to the Seneca News-Dispatch, Seneca, MO, as of this summer residents began receiving reduced fares to ride Pelivan Transit and even for free transportation in some travel zones.

StarMetro recycles through the artist’s hands

Scrap bus parts imbued with a love of movement and machines inspired the 11-foot aluminum sculpture by Florida sculptor Mark Dickson that now stands in front of the StarMetro Transit offices in Tallahassee, FL.

Get full value for school bus insurance

The typical independent school bus contractor essentially has two customers: the contracting school system and the parents of the pupils being transported. This makes the claim process much more complex as the school bus carrier must consider the needs and requirements of both groups.

IC Bus customization pushes the envelope

IC Bus™, Warrenville, IL, a wholly owned subsidiary of Navistar, Inc, says it is working to meet a widening range of customer needs and preferences for vehicle customization. The company sees its orders becoming more specific as the bus industry continues to evolve, noting growing demand for applications that stretch beyond conventional bus and coach service.