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Lightning rods spark another idea

Around 40 years into the family-owned Independent Protection Company, Henry Cripe’s son Earnest hit on the idea of an expandable roof for the company vehicles to give his installers more standing room.

Zen and the basics of fleet maintenance

I can say I have paid the price on more than a few occasions for neglecting to take care of business both before and after issues arose, but I am not impervious to the importance of preventative maintenance, and I am certainly trying to be more diligent.

Advice for smooth operators

I frequently receive compliments on my smooth driving. Smooth driving is no accident (no pun intended). It’s something I do very intentionally, very purposefully. And it’s not that difficult to do.

Public image is important to BRT success

Image is important to Bus Rapid Transit (BRT). Sleek looking vehicles, rail-like stations, advanced technologies and a strong brand identity are just a few of the features that help communicate the message: This is not just a regular bus service.

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Made you look!

Graphic wraps on buses and motorcoaches also present a moving message. Past winners of the annual BUSRide MotorVision Competition are proof enough. It is that time of year again for BUSRide readers to nominate and post their best and the brightest rolling billboards, moving murals and free-wheeling creativity.

Bus Rapid Transit impacts property values

With any public investment people want to know what benefits they will get for the cost, that is their tax dollars, and rightly so. One could certainly argue the benefits from investments in Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) to a community as being reduced congestion, less stressful and less expensive commute options, improved air quality and better access to education and employment.

Oh for the love of a road trip

Oh for the love of a road trip, that American tradition following WWII when the family would pile into the automobile and hit the road just to see what they could see. Of course the art of sightseeing really kicked into gear once motorcoaches took the two-lane roads through America’s small towns and diverse topography.

Go for the Wow! Factor

When she set out to establish her own motorcoach operations in 2003, Paulina Salen, president and CEO, Celebrity Coaches of America, Las Vegas, NV, was not about to settle for anything less than the Wow! Factor.

This could be the Summer of Safety

I surmise in another 40 years aging motorcoach operators will have long forgotten the sixties and free love but will remember 2010 as the Summer of Safety.