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Politically active: To be or not to be?

Like it or not, the transportation of passengers is a political business and one that local, state and Federal governments have great interest. Although no longer economically regulated, politicians, regulators, planners and others are weaving plans — plans that can and will ultimately affect every bus and motorcoach company in the nation.

Three tools I won't leave home without

We all have certain items we take on our bus trips, especially those of us who do charter trips around the country. A couple of snacks, bottle of water, travel pillow for a nap and my camera are a few of my favorite things I almost always bring along.

BRT and positive developmental impact

One of the more interesting areas of research on Bus Rapid Transit that I’ve worked on relates to land use and the relationship between the two. At the National Bus Rapid Transit Institute (NBRTI), my colleague, Victoria Perk, and I have both spent time working on this area, yet we each focused on different aspects.

Crossing into Canada means attention to detail

Close cooperation and open communications between American and Canadian members of the motorcoach, tour and travel industries are more important today than ever as people slowly start traveling again for leisure across all regions of North America.

The Murray Amendment saga continues

As you may have heard, U.S. Senator Patty Murray introduced language in an appropriations bill that prohibited the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) from enforcing the Charter Service Rule regarding King County Metro Transit in Seattle.

The 2010 BUSRide/Curved Glass Distributors MotorVision Competition

The 2010 BUSRide MotorVision Competition, presented by Curved Glass Distributors, will help us find the best looking rolling billboards, moving murals and free-wheeling creativity on wheels.

Move online for more charter work

While advertising in the Yellow Pages is the method of choice for most motorcoach operators, our annual member survey and industry assessment is starting to show a shift toward online advertising.

How Green?

BUSRide is putting out the call for submissions to the 2010 How Green? Competition. This competition spotlights the best practices that ease wear and tear on the environment through proactive green initiatives.

The more something changes, the better it gets

Sometimes it is okay if important changes are not so noticeable. At least this is the case for alterations made to the 2010 Orion VII transit bus by Daimler Buses North America (DBNA), Greensboro, NC. The next iteration made its debut in Cleveland, OH, in May during the American Public Transportation Association (APTA) Bus & Paratransit Conference.

SmartFrame technology a fit for survival

This summer the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) will issue its proposed rulemaking on seatbelts and motorcoach safety. NHTSA conducted its own barrier crash test in 2007 and drew its conclusions from a series of sled tests with different style belted and unbelted seats and securement systems.