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APTA Awards handed out in New Orleans

The American Public Transportation Association announced the individual and organizational winners of the 2011 APTA Awards this week in New Orleans during the APTA 2011 EXPO.

Tallahassee's StarMetro orders all-electric buses

Tallahassee’s StarMetro has signed a contract with Proterra Inc. for the construction of three brand new, zero emission, all-electric buses and a charging station.

Bennett named new Proterra CEO

During this week’s APTA EXPO in New Orleans, Proterra announced it has appointed David Bennett as its new chief executive officer.

The “T” begins new Spur Line

Fort Worth’s The “T” transit authority unveiled its new Spur Line Sunday in southeast Fort Worth.

PDRTA begins new HART service

On Monday, Hartsville, SC had a shiny new bus service called HART.

Possible transit strike looms over Phoenix Valley residents

Transit users in Phoenix and surrounding cities are intently watching contract talks between bus operator Veolia Transportation Services and officials at Amalgamated Transit Union Local 1433, as a bus strike looms in the Valley of the Sun.

Santa Rosa announces new transportation and public works department

In Santa Rosa, CA, the Public Works and Transit Departments have been restructured to create the Transportation and Public Works Department.

SamTrams, workers reach three-year agreement

Officials of the San Mateo County Transit District and representatives for the agency’s bus operators and maintenance workers have agreed to a new three-year contract.

CHK America creates pedestrian map for New Orleans Transit

Santa Barbara, CA-based CHK America has been awarded a two-phased customer information design project for the Regional Transit Authority (RTA) in New Orleans.

ABA: Virginia festival one of North America’s 100 Best Events

The 2012 Virginia Beach Patriotic Festival has been named one of the Top 100 events in North America by the American Bus Association.