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Latest transit shooting prompts calls for more protection

Officials for Transit Workers Union Local 234 and SEPTA transit in Philadelphia are calling for ramped up protection and passage of a new law for transit workers after a bus driver was shot Tuesday night.

ABA releases 2012 Top 100 Events in North America list

The National Cherry Blossom Festival & Centennial Celebration in Washington, D.C. was named the top event in the U.S. by the American Bus Association’s in its annual list of the Top 100 Events in North America.

Robbery suspect falls asleep on Madison Metro bus

Madison, WI police arrested 36-year-old suspected armed robber Gerald Hopewell Wednesday morning while he was fast asleep on a Metro bus.

MCI names Wagner to new post

Motor Coach Industries has tapped Tom Wagner to be Director of Business Development for MCI Public Sector.

Free transit rides end for some Chicago seniors

Chicago’s low-income seniors who don’t meet the requirements of Illinois’ Circuit Breaker program will no longer ride free on Chicago Transit Authority, Metra and Pace public transit.

50 NABI artic buses bound for Broward County Transit

Florida-based Broward County Transit has ordered 50 new articulated buses from North American Bus Industries, Anniston, AL.

APTA urges Congress to pass transportation bill extension

The American Public Transportation Association is backing President Obama in his call on Congress to pass an extension to the transportation bill to continue funding for highway and mass-transit projects.

Prevost offering Wi-Fi at Service Centers

Prevost has implemented a Wi-Fi Internet Access program at their seven Service Centers across North America.

Clark Travel opens new facility

Clark Travel, Austin, TX, opened its new nine-acre, 12,000-square-foot facility near Austin in Taylor, TX.

Roaring Fork receives FTA money

The Federal Transit Administration has given Roaring Fork Transportation Authority in Glenwood Springs, CO nearly $25 million for a new express bus service.