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Who exactly is safe?

By Matthew A. Daecher The year 2011 continues to challenge the passenger transportation industry. The series of crashes that seem perfectly timed to keep the story fresh are having a negative effect on the image of the industry; not to mention the related fallout and pressure from the public, politicians, regulators and enforcement. Most of […]

My use of single weight engine oil: A follow up

This article brings to the attention of professional motorcoach operators that despite Detroit Diesel Corporation (DDC) recommending 15W-40 wt (multi-viscosity) engine oil in the S-60 engine, we use 40wt (XHD) oil with no problems at all.

The Chickens Have Come Home

Regular readers of BUSRide have probably seen the plethora of industry talk in advance of the implementation of the CSA 2010 Safety Measurement System (SMS). While I’m not one to crow, “I told you so,” now that we are only a few months into the new measurement system, it appears the chickens have already come home to roost.

Take care with the Delta-P sensor on the E.G.R. System

As everyone knows, diesel engines now come with an Exhaust Gas Recirculation System (EGR) to help with pollution through the reduction of NOx. It does this first by adding exhaust gases to the air intake side of the engine to lower the combustion temperature.

A New Year’s resolution to consider

2010 did not disappoint as an eventful year in the passenger transportation industry. The inevitable seat belt regulations were announced, and in December the long-anticipated Safety Measurement System, better known as CSA 2010, became reality for all operators. The sluggish economy continued though glimmers of hope and positive thinking about a rebound were prevalent throughout all industry segments.

Bring cameras and video into the injury investigation

Cameras are growing increasingly pervasive in today’s society and now include cell phone cameras, security cameras, intersection/red light cameras and video recorders that capture entire segments of time.

Shoot for true safety

“Safety that works involves building a collection of small viable actions in a process that is ongoing and always changing. They all add up to what I call true safety.”

Don’t be a BP

The ongoing oil tragedy in the Gulf of Mexico is the worst environmental disaster in our country’s history. While we will not know the ultimate cost and result of the spill for many years to come, the spill and the response by British Petroleum (BP) offer some lessons, or hopefully reinforce what we already know.

When the rub wears off the tire, where does it go?

The mechanical function of the tire casing is to contain the air pressure that supports the vehicle load, assure the function of the suspension by absorbing road irregularities, resist lateral drifting and centrifugal force, and transmit the torque necessary to move and stop the vehicle.

Front tire failures can turn into a catastrophic event

During the summer months operators tend to focus attention on the A/C and cooling systems, and often overlook tire failure as a concern that deserves equal consideration—particularly on the steer axle.