Safety Archives - BUSRide

Using Correct Ladder Stands Prevent Falls in the Bus Maintenance Shop

By Banning K. Lary, PhD An often-unrecognized problem in school bus maintenance shops is falls from slippery tires or flimsy ladders. According to the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics (2020) there were 22,710 ladder injuries in all occupational groups, led by the installation, maintenance and repair occupations where in 5,790 injuries the primary source […]

Durham School Services Donates Bus for Mobile Mental Health “Chill Room”

Durham School Services (DSS), a leader in student transportation, has donated a school bus to the West Jefferson Hills (WJH) School District in Jefferson Hills, Pennsylvania, to renovate into a mobile “Chill Room/Makerspace” for its students. The Chill Room will allow students to seek innovative ways to help manage stress, anxiety, and focus on mental […]

For Stop on Red Week, Let’s Talk About Bus Fleet Safety

Although it’s not difficult to grasp the most fundamental traffic laws, the crowded roads we travel on everyday result in at least 50 million injuries and disabilities each year. Roadway crashes are the number one killer of Americans under 54. More than 50 percent of all crashes resulting in injury or fatalities occur near or […]

Take a Holistic Approach to Fire Suppression

Our experience clearly demonstrates that the best approach to fire suppression in bus transportation is using a water-based system as opposed to a dry-powder system. Dry powder is sometimes used in bus or coach fire suppression systems, but a water-based system is much more efficient at quickly knocking down the flame source and keeping it […]

Fire Suppression Mitigates Evacuation Time

The most important thing to remember about fire suppression is that suppression is the operative term. If you apply enough heat to any vehicle or fuel, it will burn down regardless of an onboard extinguisher or fire suppression system. No onboard fire suppression system will be 100 percent effective at extinguishing fires 100 percent of […]

Rigorous Testing Means Better Fire Suppression

Bus fires happen, and they happen frequently as can be confirmed by a quick search of the internet. These fires endanger lives, disrupt traffic often at key locations and times, and have a negative impact on the reputation of the operator.  What is interesting though, is the fact that protected buses also catch fire – […]

Responding to the new normal in the transit industry

As various industries do their part to support social distancing measures, the “new normal” way of operating has posed challenges, and driven innovation. The transit industry is no exception, and as transit operators have continued to play a key role in supporting essential services and providing transport for those who need it, they have also […]

COTA Secures with Safety Vision

The Central Ohio Transit Authority (COTA) provides fixed-route and paratransit services for greater Columbus and Central Ohio — orchestrating more than 19 million annual passenger trips for the area’s 1.2 million residents. COTA has around 1,170 employees and maintains a fleet of 321 fixed-route transit vehicles, 75 paratransit vehicles, and 12 micro-transit vehicles. As such, […]

ABC Companies heads off COVID safety challenges with curated CLEANS™ program

ABC Companies is helping operators meet the challenges of passenger transport and driver safety in the post-pandemic era. The company’s CLEANS™ (Contact Limitation & Eradication of Airborne Noxious Systems) product suite offers business owners a “layered” approach to enhance safety measures for passengers onboard, and more importantly for their drivers. “Making drivers and riders feel […]

Only EVIR® by Zonar verifies inspections and compliance

By Richard Tackett In the wake of the COVID-19 outbreak, safety — and, notably, sanitization — is paramount for bus passengers and transportation. Comprehensive maintenance and safety procedures are critical not only for day-to-day operations, but for the public’s faith in group transportation. The pre-trip vehicle inspection is of greater concern than ever before. Verifiability […]