Richard Tackett, Author at BUSRide - Page 20 of 160

BAE Systems to provide electric drive solutions for ENC’s next-generation zero emission transit buses

  BAE Systems, a leader in heavy-duty electric propulsion, will provide ElDorado National (California) or ENC, a subsidiary of REV Group, with its Gen3 product line solutions for ENC’s next-generation battery-electric and hydrogen fuel cell transit buses. ENC’s Axess® Battery Electric Bus (EVO-BE™) and Axess Hydrogen Fuel Cell Electric Bus (EVO-FC™) will integrate BAE Systems’ […]

VIA dedicates first Operations & Maintenance Facility in 80 years

  U.S. Congressman Henry Cuellar (District 28) and San Antonio Mayor Ron Nirenberg joined VIA Metropolitan Transit Chair Fernando Reyes, VIA Board members, and President/CEO Jeffrey C. Arndt for the official dedication of the new VIAtrans Operations Center and Maintenance Facility (VTOC) Thursday. The 11-acre property located at 4902 Fredericksburg Road was designed to house […]

COMET announces the passing of Interim CEO and Executive Director

With great sadness, the Central Midlands Regional Transit Authority (The COMET) family announces that its Interim CEO and Executive Director, Derrick Huggins, passed away unexpectedly Friday morning. A multi-faceted transportation and community leader, Huggins displayed talent, ingenuity, and commitment to everything he touched. He was a long-time board member of The COMET and served as […]

ARBOC Delivers Equal Access for Everyone

ARBOC is North America’s low-floor, body-on-chassis (“cutaway’) bus leader serving transit, paratransit, and shuttle applications. With its underlying principle of “Equal Access for Everyone®” ARBOC is focused on providing unsurpassed passenger accessibility and comfort over traditional high-floor cutaway vehicles. Established in 2008 in Middlebury, Indiana, ARBOC has seen significant growth and success with more than […]

MCI Academy welcomes back in-person classes and announces its ASE 5-year recertification

  Motor Coach Industries (MCI), a subsidiary of NFI Group Inc. (NFI), and North America’s motor coach leader backed by reliable in-field technical expertise, 24/7 roadside assistance, and parts support, today announced the reopening of MCI Academy in-person classes at the National Training Center in Louisville, Kentucky. As the only motor coach industry training institution […]

Dallas Fort Worth International Airport orders four ENC Axess EVO-BE Battery Electric buses

  ElDorado National (California), Inc. or ENC, a subsidiary of REV Group Inc. and an industry leader in heavy-duty transit buses and emission free technology, announces Dallas Fort Worth International Airport (DFW) has ordered 22 of its 40′ Axess CNG-powered buses and four of its new 40′ Axess EVO-BE™ Battery Electric buses. DFW, one of […]

 Western Reserve Transit Authority selects First Transit, in partnership with Perrone Robotics and GreenPower Motor Company, for autonomous vehicle pilot

  First Transit, the leader in mobility solutions, announces that it will operate the Western Reserve Transit Authority (WRTA) autonomous vehicle (AV) pilot, in partnership with Perrone Robotics and GreenPower Motor Company. The WRTA AV pilot will consist of a zero-emission GreenPower Motor Company EV Star shuttle, which meets all ADA and Federal Motor Vehicle […]

VIA Motors sells 2,000 Class 3 Electric Chassis Cabs to Pegasus Specialty Vehicles

  Via Motors, a leading electric commercial vehicle manufacturer with proven advanced electric drive technology and sustainable mobility solutions for a wide variety of Class 2 – 5 electric commercial vehicles applications, today announced that it has received a purchase order for 2,000 Class 3 VIA electric cutaway chassis cabs from Pegasus Specialty Vehicles. Pegasus […]

CharterUP launches Self Serve charter bus quote and reservation capability for existing customers

CharterUP, the first fully integrated bus charter marketplace in the U.S. for corporations, individual users and operators, today announced the launch of Self Serve, a new feature for existing CharterUP clients to instantly price and book charter bus trips. Founded by transportation industry veteran and entrepreneur Armir Harris in 2018, CharterUP is the leader in […]

Cincinnati Metro returns to near pre-pandemic ridership following service improvements, partnerships and promotions

Having provided more than 900,000 trips in the month of August, Metro ridership overall is more than 80% toward achieving pre-pandemic figures, compared to an average monthly ridership of 1.1 million in 2019. Additionally, several routes have exceeded pre-pandemic levels – with others not far behind – thanks to a number of recent service improvements […]