Move online for more charter work
While advertising in the Yellow Pages is the method of choice for most motorcoach operators, our annual member survey and industry assessment is starting to show a shift toward online advertising.
While advertising in the Yellow Pages is the method of choice for most motorcoach operators, our annual member survey and industry assessment is starting to show a shift toward online advertising.
I’ve been driving motorcoaches for almost eight years. But I still remember when I was the “new guy.” Here are a few tips that might help all you new bus and motorcoach drivers as you ease into your wonderful new career — some that were shared with me and some I wish had been shared with me.
Franklin County, PA, gave a positive nod to the motorcoach industry in late February when commissioners set aside $11,550 from the county’s motel tax to entertain tour bus operators. Thirty-three tour bus operators from neighboring states, the Midwest and Canadian provinces participated as guests on a four-day familiarization tour of the Lancaster-Gettysburg region, sponsored to boost tourism.
Motorcoach financers remind operators to take time to reflect the hard times they have just been through and understand the game has changed. They say money is available, but the path ahead demands sound basic business with accountability like they have never seen. Credit processes are much more stringent than before.
dapted for the U.S. market, the ADA-compliant two-door vehicle stands 13-feet high — 18 inches taller than the standard motorcoach with seating for up to 81 passengers. Standard features include cameras, seatbelts and escape hatches, onboard restroom, rear stairs and luggage area.
The city of New Orleans is rolling into 2009 with more major conventions, Mardi Gras celebrations and an abundance of festivals to greet visitors at every level.
On January 16 the ambient temperature in Chicago reached minus 24 F with the associated wind chill in excess of minus 40 F. On that day, the North Pole registered minus 8 F. The temperature was so extreme that no matter how anyone dressed, the average person could only stay outside for about 15 minutes.
During hurricanes, tornados or other catastrophic events, often the first sight evacuees see is a fleet of motorcoaches prepared to transport them to safety. Motorcoach companies have become a natural component in safe and reliable evacuation services.