Christopher W. Ferrone Archives - BUSRide

My use of single weight engine oil: A follow up

This article brings to the attention of professional motorcoach operators that despite Detroit Diesel Corporation (DDC) recommending 15W-40 wt (multi-viscosity) engine oil in the S-60 engine, we use 40wt (XHD) oil with no problems at all.

Panel corrosion repair made easy

At Chicago Sightseeing Company we do everything we can to keep our motorcoaches for a 20-year life cycle, which means adhering to our strategy to keep our vehicles in safe and good condition. Panel corrosion will always be a situation we, like all operators, must face and repair. Over the years we have come up with an easy and perhaps obvious solution to this problem.

Shoot for true safety

“Safety that works involves building a collection of small viable actions in a process that is ongoing and always changing. They all add up to what I call true safety.”

Get your kit together and protect that parking brake from freezing

I recently came across a solution specifically related to preventing the parking brake from freezing — a device anyone can make in the garage.

Preparing for extreme cold weather operations

On January 16 the ambient temperature in Chicago reached minus 24 F with the associated wind chill in excess of minus 40 F. On that day, the North Pole registered minus 8 F. The temperature was so extreme that no matter how anyone dressed, the average person could only stay outside for about 15 minutes.

Fire-prone alternators need support and TLC

By Christopher W. Ferrone The 50-DN alternator has been a workhorse for the motorcoach industry for over 40 years. It started out as a gear-driven, oil-cooled unit and in the late 1970s offered an air- cooled, belt-driven option. The 50-DN in any configuration has been a trusted engine accessory. Nonetheless, since the early 1990s with […]