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Frederick Dunikoski, bus industry legend, dies

Frederick Dunikoski, an ABC Companies board member for the past 24 years died in February. A legend in the bus industry, Dunikoski worked for Greyhound Bus Lines for 45 years starting as a clerk/typist in the New York City dispatch office and retiring as President and CEO in 1987.

Auction of assets in Coach America's future

Judge Kevin Gross of the United States Bankruptcy Court for the District of Delaware has now signed off on a bidding procedure to sale Coach America assets.

Branson tour operator hopeful gas prices will fall

Rob Jones is hoping gas prices stabilize and fall, knowing that the recent uptick in motorcoach tour business could be reversed.

Hopeful Branson tour operator watching gas prices

Like many motorcoach tour company owners, Rob Jones is watching the upsurge in gas prices with great interest. Jones is hoping gas prices stabilize and fall, knowing that the recent uptick in motorcoach tour business could be reversed.

Republicans to redo House transportation bill

House Republicans are reworking Speaker John Boehner’s signature energy-infrastructure package to lower the price tag, shorten the duration and eliminate a controversial provision on transit funding.

VIA Metro Transit ridership gains for January

Overall ridership for San Antonio-based Via Transit increased by 10.07 percent for January 2012 over January 2011.

Stabbed CCT bus driver suspended, didn’t follow ‘protocol'

A Cobb Community Transit driver, stabbed while trying to break up a fight on his bus, has been suspended pending further investigation because he didn’t follow “protocol.”

Bing names new CEO for Detroit DOT

Mayor Dave Bing named a new CEO for the Detroit Department of Transportation and unveiled a new green bus fleet Wednesday at a bus terminal on the city’s east side.

COTA dedicates first passenger shelters

In February the Central Ohio Transit Authority unveiled its first bus shelters build on Capitol Square in Columbus.

$7.3 million approved for Chi-town BRT

More than $7.3 million in tax increment financing for a bus rapid transit line in downtown Chicago has been approved by Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel.