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Problematic brake treadle valve could spark emergency inspection order

The Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance is considering issuing an emergency inspection bulletin throughout North America for all motorcoach operators targeting a problematic brake treadle valve that could be causing an unknown number of bus fires and catastrophic brake failures nationwide.

C.J.’s Bus brings toys and joy to tornado-ravaged Tuscaloosa

C.J.’s Bus deploys to tornado-ravaged Tuscaloosa, Ala. to help children and families affected by the April 27th storm.

Life gets easier one step at a time

Following two years of research and development, Glaval Bus, Elkhart, IN, an industry leader in the manufacture of commercial buses since 1998, will officially debut its new Titan II LF in June at the CTAA show in Indianapolis, IN. The company says its latest model meets the growing demand from the small bus market for a low-floor kneeling option. Glaval Bus will make this innovative bus available to operators in the very near future.

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Congresswoman Johnson: TX bus enforcement being stepped up

By Glenn Swain With inspectors busily making surprise inspections on tour buses across the nation after a rash of accidents in the Northeast this spring, more focus is being directed at how local law enforcement can decrease the number of bad or illegal bus companies that are putting passengers at risk. Texas Democratic Congresswoman Eddie […]

UMA supporting BUSES bill

The series of deadly bus crashes this spring in the Northeast has again brought the subject of bus safety to the forefront, as Congressional members get set to debate two proposed bills this year.

Like grandfather, like granddaughter

Victoria Clark first encountered a motorcoach at age 8 when a prankster mechanic positioned her behind the wheel as he knelt in the stairwell. He was trying to put a scare into young Victoria’s grandfather, Morris Clark, who founded Austin, TX-based Clark Travel in 1981.

FMCSA Strike Force removes 289 unsafe buses or drivers

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration and its state and local law enforcement partners conducted more than 2,700 surprise Strike Force passenger carrier safety inspections over a nine-day period from March 28 to April 6.

Super Luxury Tours grounded, suspended by FMCSA

Pennsylvania-based tour bus company Super Luxury Tours has been ordered out-of-service by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration.

Motorcoach operators feeling pinch at the pumps

Sandwiched between the volatile oil markets are motorcoach owners and operators who are having to make decisions on gas surcharges.