New fuel, emissions standards set for buses, other vehicles
On Tuesday, President Obama signed a bill that sets new fuel efficiency and greenhouse gas emission standards for buses, trucks and other vehicles like heavy-duty pickups and vans.
On Tuesday, President Obama signed a bill that sets new fuel efficiency and greenhouse gas emission standards for buses, trucks and other vehicles like heavy-duty pickups and vans.
With its order for 84 40-foot CNG-powered MCI Commuter Coaches, Motor Coach Industries (MCI), Schaumburg, IL, is now an ally of the City of Los Angeles, CA in its continuing effort to improve air quality.
The president of Natural Gas Vehicle America is disappointed that the Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of Transportation have not included incentives for natural gas in its recently released proposal to reduce emissions and improve fuel efficiency.
The nation’s first standards in reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and improving fuel efficiency in buses and heavy-duty trucks has been handed down by the Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of Transportation.
Cummins Inc., announced it has received certification from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the California Air Resources Board (ARB) for its ISX11.9 diesel engine.
Navistar International Corporation yesterday reached an agreement with the Environmental Protection Agency.