And now a word about punitive damages
Punitive damages are monetary damages not necessarily for the benefit or compensation of the plaintiff.
Punitive damages are monetary damages not necessarily for the benefit or compensation of the plaintiff.
An accident of any degree invites variable expenses that are hard to plan for in any budget or projection. Even the most minor incident or scrape requires greater sales revenue to fund the necessary repair.
Cameras are growing increasingly pervasive in today’s society and now include cell phone cameras, security cameras, intersection/red light cameras and video recorders that capture entire segments of time.
Later this year Comprehensive Safety Analysis (CSA) 2010 and its Safety Measurement System will replace the current Motor Carrier Safety Status Measurement System (SafeStat) used by regulators to identify and target unsafe operators.
My last column [BUSRide, January-February 2010, Risk Management] focused on the decision many operators could soon face with regard to retrofitting seatbelts to the existing fleet. Such a decision will ultimately come down to several factors that include cost, restraint capabilities, customer demand and risk.
For too many years too many bus and motorcoach operators have practiced under-pricing as a means to remain competitive. Such single-minded competitive pricing as a standard operating procedure has plagued the motorcoach industry. The fact is this is happening because a great number of coach operators do not fully understand how to price their services. The fair and profitable approach to pricing comes down to some very basic business principles.