Cummins grows in Europe
It has become apparent for some years that Cummins is a growing force in the European bus and coach industry. This view was reinforced at Busworld Kortrijk in Belgium last October.
It has become apparent for some years that Cummins is a growing force in the European bus and coach industry. This view was reinforced at Busworld Kortrijk in Belgium last October.
Cummins Inc. today announced a new global heavy-duty engine platform that it has developed to complement its existing global product offering.
The British market for city buses fell back badly in 2010, not just because of the global financial crisis, but also two of the major groups cut back heavily on their normal procurement of new vehicles.
Operators considering adding new coaches to their fleets before the end of the year and wanting to save the environment will find two upcoming webinars of interest.
Cummins Inc., announced it has received certification from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the California Air Resources Board (ARB) for its ISX11.9 diesel engine.
Every two years I carry out much of the research and write a large part of a report which has become an industry standard; the latest edition of “The World Bus & Coach Manufacturing Industry” report is due to be published in June.
Busworld, the Belgian organizer of international bus and coach exhibitions, recently held its third edition of Busworld Turkey in Istanbul in conjunction with its local partners. A number of significant changes were evident this year.