Steri-Fab protects buses from bed bugs

Perhaps no environment can hold the claim for being the hotbed of potential exposure for bedbugs.  With that having been said, buses can certainly make a strong case for the top spot.  With a range of yearly ridership, (Dallas 126,000, Miami 240,000, Philadelphia 556,000, New York 2,6000,00), exposure to both passengers, and employees is both far reaching, and potentially troublesome.  Bedbugs and a transient population are a perfect match due to both the  breeding habits, (bedbug eggs can remain dormant for over 1 year), and the ease with which passengers, and employees can unknowingly bring them onto a bus.  With an almost 50 year history, STERIFAB remains not only one of the most unique products registered with the EPA, (it is both an effective insecticide, but also a disinfectant that kills bacteria, viruses, mold, mildew).  Unlike insecticides that are residual, STERIFAB dries quickly, (15 – 20 minutes at room temperature), and is essentially inactive after it dries, allowing both employees and passengers to effectively inhabit the premises.  This easy to use product contains no dyes or perfumes, and does not require dilution.  It is registered for sale in all 50 States, and is distributed nationwide.  Available in plastic pints, gallons, and 5 gallon containers.

