On Monday, August 23, 2021, the Kent County Health Department’s mobile COVID-19 vaccination clinic will be at Rapid Central Station from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. Kent County Health Department nursing staff will be administering Pfizer and Johnson and Johnson vaccines at the clinic. Appointments are not required and there is no charge for the vaccine.
The mobile vaccine unit will be located in the parking lot on Grandville Avenue in front of Rapid Central
The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recently raised the level of COVID-19 infection in Kent County to
‘high’ from ‘substantial’. In addition, President Biden’s administration recently confirmed that it plans to extend requirements for individuals to wear masks on buses through January 18, 2022, to address
ongoing COVID-19 risks.
“The COVID 19 vaccines that we are offering are safe, effective and free,” says Mary Wisinski, Immunizations Supervisor at the Kent County Health Department. “Unfortunately our vaccination rates
have slowed since those early days of mass vaccination clinics. We appreciate The Rapid for helping us
as we continue to focus our efforts on smaller clinics like this one.”
“We’re very excited to partner with the Kent County Health Department to provide this opportunity to
get vaccinated for free and without an appointment at Rapid Central Station,” said Deb Prato, CEO of
The Rapid. “Just like the free shuttle for the West Michigan Vaccine Clinic we ran earlier this year, we’re
committed to doing our part to provide easy access to this service that will create better outcomes for
our community.”
The Rapid continues to remind all riders and team members to follow all current CDC guidelines and that masks are still required to ride The Rapid.