Northern Arizona Intergovernmental Public Transportation Authority (NAIPTA) seeks a consultant for Public Education and Outreach Campaign for the Fall 2018 Transit Tax Initiative for our agency in Flagstaff Arizona. We are seeking an Consultant to perform the following deliverables and services:
NAIPTA seeks a professional contractor to serve as a transit tax consultant for an upcoming election. The consultant would provide guidance on all strategy, marketing, and communications related to an educational campaign about the transit tax.
Proposals in response to RFP 2018-126 will be received thru Friday, April 20th, 2018 at 2:00pm local time. The complete RFP is available on our website:
This is a sealed bid process and proposals will be submitted in person and electronically as per the instructions in the RFP. Award shall be made with reasonable promptness by giving written notice to the Proposer whose proposal best conforms to the invitation and will be the most advantageous to NAIPTA. Other factors to be considered may include, but are not limited to, quality, uniformity of product, and Proposer’s past performance on other contracts. Award may be made to other than the low-cost proposal. However, all proposals may be rejected if the Board of Directors determines that rejection is in the public interest.