The ELD rule, or the electronic logging device rule, goes into effect December 2017. While new mandates are rarely welcome, smart carriers can turn a headache into an opportunity by implementing a platform approach that solves their ELD and telematics solutions. Such an approach offers 5 key benefits:
1: Hours of service (HOS) compliance: By using technology tied to the vehicle, drivers can reduce three of the top five finable areas: out-of-date or missing logs; driving hours over their daily allowance; and errors. Telematics software provides peace of mind when driving up to an inspection and can get drivers in and out quickly, without violations. That helps reduce violation costs.
2: Near Real-time driver feedback: When last-minute jobs come up, tools like GPS tracking apps help a dispatcher find the driver nearest to the jobsite. The dispatcher
can send the location directly to the field app and get the driver turn-by-turn directions. These capabilities can help you win business and get drivers to jobs quickly and efficiently.
3: In-cab safety solutions: Technology can help monitor distracted driving and provide data that informs driver coaching. And because these tools discourage bad driving habits like speeding, they can help save money by reducing wear and, reducing fuel consumption and helping to avoid speeding tickets.
4: Accurate billing and payroll: By using fleet management solutions, you can potentially gain more insight into how money is being spent. By looking at engine on/off times, you can help eliminate excessive overtime hours or timesheet fraud.
5: Stay competitive: Reviewing your drivers’ safety scores, driver log and performance reports are vital in coaching technicians and drivers. This will help retain the resources you’re invested in – giving management time to focus on building the business.
So while no one likes regulations, don’t think of the ELD rule as a bad thing – look at it as a way to improve your business by adding in the power of telematics.
Have questions about ELD? Get the free e-book, “The 5 Ws of ELD.”