Features Archives - Page 25 of 67 - BUSRide

Ft. McMurray battles The Beast

Ft. McMurray battles The Beast Initially, my topic this month was the growing concern for how cruise control lulls drivers into a “zombie” state of mind. As I sat down to write, a much more eminent danger changed my mind. A run-of-the-mill brush fire in northern Alberta had suddenly grown out of control, as high […]

DATTCO— New England’s Famous Red Bus, PLUS!

DATTCO— New England’s Famous Red Bus, PLUS! DATTCO, a transportation staple in the New England region may be best known for their iconic red buses, but the family-owned company, which dates back to the 1920s, operates divergent business lines in the motorcoach, school bus and sales and service businesses. Now owned and operated by second […]

The move from telematics to mobile apps

The move from telematics to mobile apps BUSRide recently spoke with the principals of GreenRoad, Austin, TX, the providers of a driver and fleet performance management solution aimed at helping organizations improve productivity through real-time actionable data and insights. In this Q&A, we discuss how traditional telematics solutions can be replaced or reinforced with mobile […]


Actionable business intelligence and your team of data managers By Mary Sue O’Melia Transit Information Technology produces volumes of data. The real challenge is to turn this data into information that is useful in developing strategies to improve performance and influence outcomes. This is “Actionable Business Intelligence.” This same information is then used to determine […]


Hybrid DVRs: Preserving your security investment By Lori Jetha Keeping up with the latest technology is hard. New mobile security products are being developed every year with more bells and whistles. It seems the only constant is change. So how does a transit agency ensure that their mobile surveillance system is up to date while […]


Customer care and passenger safety By Todd Carrier The public transportation industry carries the most valuable cargo — people. Customer service and unwavering commitment to safety gives your company an edge over the competition. In today’s world, it seems threats are numerous. There are the news reports on shootings, violence on the bus and horrific […]


ERGONOMIC DESIGN By Doug Oswald Why are there so many different seating designs on the market today – with such drastically different levels of comfort? Most transportation seating solutions are designed for unique purposes. But even within the same application, why does Company A’s seat “sit” differently than Company B’s seat? The root reason is […]


The BUS INDUSTRY SAFETY COUNCIL Report presented by The Pacific Western Group of Companies Are we ready for the Rise of the Robots?   When I was a kid, emerging technologies were just the stuff of Sci-Fi movies. Robby the Robot ruled Forbidden Planet and later on the TV series Lost in Space. Such futuristic […]


Environmental benefits of CNG By George Kalet Compressed natural gas (CNG) is often called the cleanest burning natural source of fossil fuel propulsion; much more environmentally friendly than conventional gasoline and diesel fuels. The combustion of natural gas produces negligible amounts of sulfur, mercury and particulates. This mostly has to do with its chemical composition. […]


Automatic Voice Annunciation – the future made simple BUSRide spoke with Brandon Curtis, executive managing director at Aesys, about the benefits of Automatic Voice Annunciation (AVA). How does AVA benefit passengers and drivers? Brandon Curtis: AVA automates on-board passenger announcements, which not only keeps passengers up to date automatically, but also helps create buses with […]