Atheist-agnostic group sues over bus ads

Little Rock-based Central Arkansas Transit Authority (CATA) is being sued by the Central Arkansas Coalition of Reason, claiming the agency rejected the group’s bus ad proposal. According to The SunTimes, the group, a collection of atheist and agnostic groups, wanted to buy bus advertising to invite people to join any of the groups in the coalition by displaying its website address on the ads.

The ad in question read “Are you good without God? Millions are.” Blue sky and clouds are behind the words. The bus ads would have been featured on 18 buses during May’s Riverfest event at a cost of $5,260.

Lawyers for CATA claim the ad was not rejected and the coalition was offered the same price as other advertisers. CATA attorneys say the coalition was disagreeable and threatened a lawsuit from the beginning of negotiations. CATA has 21 days to respond to the lawsuit. For more, visit