ARBOC Specialty Vehicles announced its selection of Ami Sailor as Marketing Manager on April 3, 2017. Ami is uniquely suited for this position due to her artistic outlook and previous experience at ARBOC.
Sailor has been a part of ARBOC Specialty Vehicles for twelve years. She has worked in various positions during her employment, with the majority of the time spent as a Purchasing Agent. In 2016, she began designing paint and graphics schematics for ARBOC in addition to her purchasing responsibilities. “With an extensive background in fine arts and a flair for creativity, the transfer to marketing will be a smooth transition,” states Kim Yoder, National Sales Manager.
Ami’s new role will strengthen ARBOC Specialty Vehicles, LLC in advertising and updating various resources on a timely basis. ARBOC is excited for this transition. Ami Sailor can be reached at 574-825-6477 or by email at asailor@ARBOCsv.com.