Home»eBooks Archive eBooks Archive Accessibility "Accessibility" Case Study Showcase The Future of Accessible Transportation Re-Imagining Accessible Transportation After COVID-19 ARBOC Specialty Vehicles builds on legacy of 'Equal Access for Everyone' Investing in Advanced Accessibility Solutions Are We Really Achieving Equal Access for All? Equal Access The State of Paratransit Vehicles Enhancing the ADA experience Equal access for all- Volume 2 Mobility Ventures expands access Equal access for all Alternative Propulsion Converting to Non-Diesel Propulsion Powering the Electric Fleet: Increased Charge & Range Zero-Emission Technology Electrifying Transit Alternative Propulsion Roundtable Focus On: CNG Brakes Heavy-Duty Brakes Forum Optimizing Heavy-Duty Brake Lifespan Heavy-Duty Brake Systems Brake function, safety and maintenence Bus Wash Systems Trends and Advances in Modern Bus Wash Systems The Rapid Specializes Bus Washing with Interclean Choosing the Right Bus Wash System Trends in Bus Wash Systems Choosing the Best Bus Wash System Bus Washing: What operators need to know Awash Eco Wash Systems Business Management ARBOC Delivers Equal Access for Everyone ABC Companies' After-Sales Support ABC Companies: More focused and determined than ever Protecting Agencies & Operators After the Sale ABC Companies: How to build a better customer service experience After-Sale Support Dealer Update 2018 After-Sale Support 2018 CCW pushes the industry forward Supplier Profile: REV Group Spader: The Secrets of Business Success Dealer Update: Small & Midsize Bus Market Growth After-Sale Support Business intelligence for transit executives Collision Repair Collision Repair, Remanufacturing, & Refurbishment Forum 2023 2022 Collision Repair, Remanufacturing, & Refurbishment Forum Annual Collision Repair, Remanufacturing & Refurbishment Forum Collision Repair: Know Before You Go Extending Vehicle Life Collision Repair: Electric Component Damage Collision Repair: Structural Damage Collision Repair, Refurbishment and Remanufacturing What operators need to know Collision Repair Connectivity The Connected Bus The Connected Bus COVID-19 Selecting the Right Hard Surface Disinfectant for Your Buses CuVerro Shield by Aereus Technologies Brings Antimicrobial Copper to Buses United Safety Fights COVID with 'Whole Bus Solution' Keeping Transportation Safe Through COVID-19 ELD Transitioning from AOBRD to ELD ELD in Review Ask the ELD Experts Preparing for the ELD Mandate Engine Maintenance Prepare for winter with Prestone Command Fare Collection Focus On: Fare Collection New Technologies in Fare Collection Creating New Revenue Streams with Fare Collection Fare Collection Roundtable The Future of Fare Collection SPX Genfare eases revenue management Trapeze Group: Advances in modern fare collection Fare collection requirements for today's transit systems Finance Fleet Finance Summit 2023 Annual Fleet Finance Summit 2020 Fleet Financing Trends Financing Your Fleet Bus Leasing Essentials Equipment Finance Focus On: Finance Fleet Management Systems Fleet management, monitoring and optimization Enterprise Asset Management Roundtable ITS enhances fleet management Preparing for a State of Good Repair Fuel Efficiency SmartDrive Public Transit Fuel Efficiency Study Airtabs™: Save fuel, increase stability, reduce spray Heavy-Duty Lifts Safe Operation of Heavy-Duty Vehicle Lifts Lift design, safety and maintenance MAXIMA focuses on heavy-duty lifts HVAC Advances in HVAC Technology Advances in HVAC Technology Focus On: HVAC ITS Integrating ITS with Legacy Systems Motorcoach Industry Prevost Celebrates 100 Years Prevost Continues Customer Focus to Keep Business Moving ABC Companies: Focused on Customer & Industry Recovery MCI Re-Aligns to Push Industry Forward Motorcoach Management Systems Manage motorcoach data Enhance efficiency with motorcoach management software OEMS CH Bus Sales solidifies TEMSA in NA Official BUSRide Field Tests CATS and Q'STRAINT Pioneer Team-Driven Accessibility with C3-SPACE StanRTA Enhances Rider Experience & Dispatch with Avail ETMS Lone Star Coaches Solves Drivers' Expense Challenges with Prepaid Expense Cards BJCTA Stays Ahead of the Tech Curve with Avail Technologies Palm Tran Goes Fully Accessible with Q'POD and QUANTUM Rose Chauffeured Transportation streamlines 'per diem' with Prepaid Expense Cards Oahu's TheHandi-Van Keeps Rides Smooth with LiquidSpring Palm Tran Embraces Avail's Enterprise Transit Management RTC of Southern Nevada Ensures Safety with High-Tech Fire Suppression UTA makes equipment painting efficient with Accudraft system SolTrans optimizes services with Avail enterprise transit management solutions Prairie Hills Transit pioneers with LiquidSpring COTA secures with Safety Vision Access Services trials the RSX suspension by MORryde Montebello Bus Lines' technologically-advanced bus wash system with N/S Corporation Rose Chauffeured Transportation streamlines with Prepaid Expense Cards MCI All-Electric Coaches Unveiled Vericom sets standard for brake-system testing MCAT & Avail Technologies bring next-gen ITS to Florida Coast GRTC saves on fuel, maintenance with Thermo King screw compressor Regina enhances accessible transit with Q'Straint KCATA expands its Smart City with INFOtransit NCRTD rides smoothly with LiquidSpring SCR Medical Transportation accommodates mobility with AbiliTrax MV Transportation improves brake life performance with Cryo Rotor Prevost debuts re-styled X3-45 at UMA EXPO Banff Airporter washes with Interclean PSTA pilots connected HVAC Pacific Coachways simplifies per diem with Commerce Bank MCAT: Forward thinking with rear-facing technology Dean Transportation trials real-time surveillance with Axis Communications BWAT tests low-floors by Champion Bus UTA secures its services with Safety Vision Transit-Liner C2 by Thomas Built Buses CATA and Avail enhance service in State College Transdev North America is sold on Vericom Trobec's Bus Service leads the future with MCI First Priority Trailways accommodates riders with UBT MARTA runs clean with Westmatic Wendel Companies reinvigorates the City of Niagara Falls MATBUS and Q'Straint partner for mobility BJCTA keeps it together with Avail Technologies MARTA pilots the Vicinity by Grande West Transportation KRT, Rohrer and REV form a tight partnership NICE and TransitWorks partner for Able-Ride The 2018 MCI J4500 Coach Tours manages charters with busHive Cincinnati's Access ties with ElDorado Royal Excursion buys with CH Bus Sales DART streamlines its data Prevost with Elite Coach San Joaquin RTD with TransTrack Systems Miller Transportation with Protective Insurance Company ADI with Community Transit ARBOC SV with DART ATN goes mobile with Genfare Genfare links with Porterville Transit Fleetmatics connects with ECS Transportation MCI Academy educates the industry Q’Straint secures the future of Tulsa Transit The Rapid comes full circle with Avail Technologies Connect Transit moves into "Next Gen" DART and Luminator light up the message Best Trails & Travel with Prevost Gray Line of TN with Protective Insurance Company and Lytx DriveCam MCI Online Parts Store Irizar: one year in Official BUSRide Road Tests Mercedes-Benz Tourrider Equess CHARGE by ARBOC ARBOC Spirit of Independence Kneeling Bus The Spirit of Independence by ARBOC SV CT Coachworks Motorcoach The MCI J3500 ARBOC Spirit of Equess unveiled TDX25 by Van Hool Grand Touring (GT) by DUR-A-BUS CAIO rolls out S-series Winnebago Metro Link quiets the ride Ameritrans debuts the M2 Vista ABC Companies unveil the 2014 Van Hool CX MCI showcases the J4500 ABC Companies Unveil the New Van Hool TX LF Transport by Champion Bus MV-1 by Mobility Ventures 2015 H3-45 by Prevost Spirit of Liberty by ARBOC SV CX35 by Van Hool Ford Transit by Mobility Transportation Services Parts / Parts Distribution Parts & Parts Distribution Roundtable Key Factors in Parts Management Passenger Information Passenger Information Systems Infotainment Passenger Information Systems Risk Management Fire Risk Management Assessment and Mitigation Fire On Board! Creating a Culture of Safety Fire onboard! Are you prepared? Lancer Insurance: Bus Fires in the United States Garage Safety Motorcoach risk management & loss prevention- VOLUME 2 Insurance basics Motorcoach risk management and loss prevention Safe Driving Driver safety Prevost Prep prepares drivers Safe Driver Hall of Fame Behind the Wheel Sanitation & Hygiene Keeping It Clean Maintaining a safer sanitation environment Seating United Safety Introduces Infinity Line - Next-Gen Passenger and Driver Seating & Suspension The Science Behind the Seat Seating design, testing and implementation The Science Behind the Seat Security and Surveillance Advancing Security & Surveillance Technology Customize Surveillance for Public Transit Transit security and surveillance best practices Plustek enhances transit security and surveillance What Constitutes a Comprehensive Security and Surveillance System? Security and surveillance by Safety Vision Suspensions Three Agencies Review LiquidSpring Suspensions NCRTD Tests LiquidSpring: Better Maintenance, Smoother Rides Focus On: Bus Suspensions Focus On: Bus Suspensions Technology Take Charge: Batteries, Charging, & Infrastructure busHive Modernizes Trips, Operations, and Charters Moving Your Bus Operation to the Cloud Batteries, Charging, and Energy Storage Enterprise Asset Management Case Study Showcase Advancements in Vehicle Safety Technology Advancements in Collision Avoidance at Rosco Vision The Time is Now For Cloud Computing and Your Bus Operation ETA Transit: Leading Through Innovation Only EVIR by Zonar verifies inspections and compliance What Can Telematics Do For My Maintenance Operation? Smart Transit. Smart Cities. Next-Gen Telematics ITS Technology and Public Transit Collision Avoidance: Today and Tomorrow ITS: Operational Technology ITS: Scheduling & Dispatch Telematics: A Must for Bus Operators ITS: Passenger Communications Collision Avoidance A New Look @ Transit Tech Technology enhances personnel management The Maintenance Facility Prevost Services are good for business Refurbishment & Remanufacturing Maintenance Facility Design Training TAPTCO & MCSTCO Train to Remove Risk Transit Operations Enhanced Mobility Through Transit Management Transportation Center Design The Science and Art of Transit Vehicles Prevost Unveils the All-New H3-45 Vicinity Motor Corp. Serves Up Mobility Alternatives for Public and Private Transit Frontrunner Revolutionizes the Cutaway Bus MobilityTRANS debuts EZSafe for ADA vehicles To access BUSRide Magazine, e-Books, Webinars, and TV, simply complete the form and click “View.” Links will then be enabled. 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