Matthew A. Daecher Archives - BUSRide

Take the employee safety challenge

Chances are I have never been to your facility, stepped foot onto one of your vehicles, or know anything about your overall safety program. Despite this, I’d be willing to place two wagers about your passenger transportation operation.

Send the same message for all accidents large or small

An accident of any degree invites variable expenses that are hard to plan for in any budget or projection. Even the most minor incident or scrape requires greater sales revenue to fund the necessary repair.

Understand safety management and liability relationships

A citation handed out to a driver judged to have violated a documented law holds him accountable for his actions. Liability deals more with perceived contribution to an occurrence as opposed to violating a law.

Prepare now for stricter industry oversight

Two stories overshadowed all others in the bus industry in 2011: the implementation and realization of the new Safety Measurement System (SMS) and the resulting consequences and attention a string of unusually severe motorcoach crashes generated.

Bring cameras and video into the injury investigation

Cameras are growing increasingly pervasive in today’s society and now include cell phone cameras, security cameras, intersection/red light cameras and video recorders that capture entire segments of time.